
From 14 to 18 May 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, the State Service of Intellectual Property and Innovations of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republican Children’s Engineering and Technical Academy “Altyn Tuyun” in the city of Osh held an international youth competition of research and inventive projects “We are intellectuals XXI century”.

To participate in the competition gathered not only schoolchildren from all regions of the Kyrgyz Republic, but also students of higher educational institutions: representatives of KSTU after named I.Razzakov, KRSU after named B. Yeltsin, KSUCTA after named N.Isanova, Issyk-Kul State University after named K. Tynystanov, Osh Technical University, Osh State University, Jalal-Abad State University, as well as young inventors from Uzbekistan. At the invitation of RCETA “Altyn Tuyun” our Kazakhstan team took part in this youth competition.

More than 180 research and inventive projects, exhibits and operating models were announced in the competition.

The work of the contest participants was assessed by a competent jury composed of eminent scientists, inventors, academicians and faculty members of leading universities of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

Participants demonstrated solid training and good knowledge.

Our children participated in the nomination “Integrated multi-profile projects”: Ruslanuly Anuar and Kaspakova Ayym received a diploma of II degree (the theme of the work: “Study of Earth’s Space Climate”, Almaty, RFMS); The letter for the novelty and interesting approach to solving the problem was presented by Lesbek Baimyrza and Ubaydulaev to Alisher (the theme of the work: “Research on methods of dealing with asteroid danger”, Almaty, RFMS, secondary School No. 17 of Aktobe).

We express our deep gratitude to the organizers of the international competition “We are the intellectuals